broomrape and bursage relationship

Pron, T., Vronsi, C., Mortreau, E., Pouvreau, J. (2002). doi: 10.1146/, Kebreab, E., and Murdoch, A. J. doi: 10.1051/agro:2003016, Rubiales, D., Prez-de-Luque, A., Joel, D. M., Alcantara, C., and Sillero, J. C. (2003b). We reviewed relevant facts about the biology and physiology of broomrape weeds and the major feasible control strategies. Adv. In addition it promotes the development of a layer of papillae at the radicle apex in the absence of host contact, morphology that resembles the attachment organ (Joel and Losner-Goshen, 1994; Cimmino et al., 2015). 6, 31293140. Synthetic analogs of growth regulators can be successfully used to reduce parasitism by hampering the synchronization of the parasitic seed bank with the growth of the host. Hanson and fellow researchers UC Davis assistant professor Mohsen Mesgaran and graduate student Matthew Fatino discussed their progress toward a management strategy during the 63rd annual Weed Day on the Davis campus. 31, 2730. doi: 10.1016/j.cropro.2006.10.012, Fernndez-Aparicio, M., Yoneyama, K., and Rubiales, D. (2011). Use of ethylene producing bacteria for stimulating of Striga spp. BMC Evol. When they are applied in vitro to seeds of P. ramosa and O. minor, they bypass the effect of germination-inducing factors, promoting broomrape germination in absence of host or any germination stimulant (Cala et al., 2015). Pest Manag. Plants (Basel). doi: 10.2134/agronj2009.0014. The inductor potential of root exudates from a given species varies with the broomrape considered. 8600 Rockville Pike 32, 767790. Direct toxic effects by urea and ammonium but not nitrate forms inhibit broomrape seed germination and radicle elongation (Jain and Foy, 1992; Abu-Irmaileh, 1994; van Hezewijk and Verkleij, 1996; Westwood and Foy, 1999). doi: 10.1007/s10535-007-0084-y, Vurro, M., Boari, A., Evidente, A., Andolfi, A., and Zermane, N. (2009). A. S. Lpez, E. I. Martnez, T. R. Blas, M. C. Lpez, and J. P. Sestelo (A Corua: Dario Prada-Rodrguez of University of A Corua), 688. Due to the small size of the seeds and their inability to develop autotrophy, the establishment probability of broomrape seedlings is very low. broomrape and bursage relationship - Br. Sci. Weed Technol. PDF Broomrape, a Noxious Parasitic Weed, is Back in Texas Sands, D. C., and Pilgeram, A. L. (2009). 23, 407413. Physiol. Joel, D. M. (2013). Some compatible Rhizobium leguminosarum strains in peas decrease infections when parasitized by Orobanche crenata. doi: 10.1071/SB05009, Thomas, H., Heller, A., Sauerborn, J., and Mller-Stver, D. (1999). 44, 284289. Bot. 10.1016/1049-9644(92)90021-5 Striga hermonthica MAX2 restores branching but not the very low fluence response in the Arabidopsis thaliana MAX2 mutant. Several factors contribute to the fact that broomrape weeds remain an uncontrolled agricultural problem. Pectolytic activity by the haustorium of the parasitic plant Orobanche L. (Orobanchaceae) in host roots. Annu. As a consequence the crop is protected from broomrape invasion (Joel and Portnoy, 1998; Westwood et al., 1998; Hamamouch et al., 2005; Aly et al., 2006). Crop Prot. If this works, it will be easy to implement through the fertilizer system.. Besides the effects of fertilization management on pre-attached broomrape stages described in previous sections, high soil fertility can induce crops to endure broomrape parasitism by helping the host to maintain a favorable osmotic potential that reduces the parasitic sink strength (Gworgwor and Weber, 1991). Agron. Plant Microbe Interact. Ryecyanatines A and B and ryecarbonitrilines A and B, substituted cyanatophenol, cyanato-benzo[1,3] diole, and benzo[1,3]dioxolecarbonitriles from rye (Secale cereale L.) root exudates: new metabolites with allelophatic activity on Orobanche seed germination and radicle growth. Evaluation of amino acids as turfgrass nematicides. 81, 779781. Symplasmic sieve element continuity between Orobanche and its host. 46, 251256. The host reproductive sinks compete earlier and stronger against the parasitic sink and in consequence less nutritive resources are allocated to the parasite (Manschadi et al., 1996). In addition, their mixed traits of weed and underground pathogen, make their control tricky. Global invasive potential of 10 parasitic witchweeds and related Orobanchaceae. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. 10. Even the easiest method of control, herbicides, requires broomrape specific-optimization for each cropping system to target the most vulnerable broomrape life stage, the young attachments while preserving the crop. doi: 10.1093/annbot/mcm148, Labrousse, P., Arnaud, M. C., Griveau, Y., Fer, A., and Thalouarn, P. (2004). *Correspondence: Mnica Fernndez-Aparicio,, View all MF-A wrote the paper. Planta. Both have red eyes and a feathery crest. Role of the sucrose synthase encoding PrSus1 gene in the development of the parasitic plant Phelipanche ramosa L. (Pomel). Figure 2. In this process, cellular expansion of the root meristem is redirected from longitudinal to radial and the root apex changes its form from conical to spherical. GA acts positively on germination in dormant non-parasitic species by counteracting ABA (Seo et al., 2009). In general, parasitized crops suffer from reductions in total biomass at the greatest expense to the reproductive tissue (Barker et al., 1996; Manschadi et al., 1996; Lins et al., 2007). 93, 300313. Mol. The insect herbivore as a predictive model in parasitic seed plant biology. Plant Physiol. The model was developed in greenhouse studies and validated in the field during three growing seasons. We reviewed relevant facts about the biology and physiology of broomrape weeds and the major feasible control strategies. Cleavage of sucrose into glucose and fructose doubles the osmotic potential of the parasite. Phosphorous and nitrogen have been described to down regulate strigolactones exudation in some crop species (Yoneyama et al., 2007a,b, 2012). Underground Mechanisms of Parasitism and Associated Strategies for their Control: A Review. Plants (Basel). 2021 Apr 11;10(4):746. doi: 10.3390/plants10040746. Quinone oxidoreductase message levels are differentially regulated in parasitic and non-parasitic plants exposed to allelopathic quinones. Exogenous amino acids inhibit seed germination and tubercle formation by Orobanche ramosa (broomrape): potential application for management of parasitic weeds. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Environ. 155, 728734. (1997). We reviewed relevant facts about the biology and physiology of broomrape weeds and the major feasible control . This is a short and delicate stage where the parasite either connects with the host or dies due to nutrient exhaustion. Biol. 81, 319326. Ecological aspects of nitrogen assimilation. Haustorium 49, 3. A predictive degree-days model for small broomrape 45, 467476. Sholmer-Ilan, A. doi: 10.3732/ajb.93.7.1039, Berner, D. K., Schaad, N. W., and Volksch, B. Phytopathol. 26, 11661172. All rights reserved. 48, 163168. 25, 803813. 109, 181195. Like most seeds, broomrape seeds are resistant to rapid microbial degradation due to phenols located in its testa (Cezard, 1973). Preventing the movement of parasitic seeds from infested to non-infested agricultural fields, by contaminated machinery or seed lots, is crucial (Panetta and Lawes, 2005). In those cases, broomrape displays a pathogenic nature promoting disease in the crop mainly through negative effects on the crop photosynthetic machinery and hormonal balance (Stewart and Press, 1990; Mauromicale et al., 2008). Crops that reach their seed filling period earlier than broomrape initiates its underground bud development are able to restrict parasitic sink and endure parasitic damage (Manschadi et al., 1996; Grenz et al., 2005; Fernndez-Aparicio et al., 2009a, 2012a). (1995). The effectiveness of amino acids as broomrape inhibitors has not been proved in real field conditions but field application of amino acids has been effective to manage other parasites such as plant-parasitic nematodes (Zhang et al., 2010). 21, 5561. doi: 10.1007/s11248-004-8081-9, Song, W. J., Zhou, W. J., Jin, Z. L., Cao, D. D., Joel, D. M., Takeuchi, Y., et al. Resistance and avoidance against Orobanche crenata in pea (Pisum spp.) This parasite extracts all its nutrients at the host's expense so that host-parasite trophic relationships are crucial to determine host and parasite growth. S. J. Ter Borg (Wageningen: LH/VPO), 2534. Saghir, A. R. (1986). Mller-Stver, D., Buschmann, H., and Sauerborn, J. Instead, broomrapes are in current state of intensification and spread due to lack of broomrape-specific control programs, unconscious introduction to new areas and may be decline of herbicide use and global warming to a lesser degree. 119, 585591. 152, 131141. The first function of haustorium is as adhesion organ to host root surface mediated by a papillae cell layer; (E) adhesion to the root 3 days after germination induction; (F) upon vascular connection with the host, broomape initiates the development of the tubercle, the broomrape storage organ for host-derived nutrients. Biol. doi: 10.1021/jf5027235, Fernndez-Aparicio, M., and Rubiales, D. (2012). Activity of secreted cell wall-modifying enzymes and expression of peroxidase-encoding gene following germination of Orobanche ramosa. 51, 44874503. A role for IAA in the infection of Arabidopsis thaliana by Orobanche aegyptiaca. Opin. Plant Cell Environ. Expression of sarcotoxin IA gene via a root-specific tob promoter enhanced host resistance against parasitic weeds in tomato plants. Broomrapes counteract the high risk of failure in establishment on a host with highly evolved mechanisms of survival. doi: 10.1104/pp.119.2.585, Aly, R. (2007). doi: 10.1016/0031-9422(95)00594-3, Bar-Nun, N., and Mayer, A. M. (1993). Broomrapes - Cambridge Core 62, 1048510492. 27, 653659. Parker, C. (2014). J. Agric. 48, 39303934. seed germination. Thorie Elmentaire de la Botanique. Syst. However, when Vurro et al. Parasitic plants Striga and Phelipanche dependent upon exogenous strigolactones for germination have retained genes for strigolactone biosynthesis. XR and SG-L additional text, editing, and comments. 9, 58. Bot. 49, 822. 28, 16. Despite of this fact, Seed Certification Services in some of the countries affected, do not include in their certification standards, inspection of crop seed samples for broomrape inoculum. High osmotic potential in roots and drop in amino acid levels in the phloem has been reported in tolerant varieties of faba bean in response to broomrape parasitism. However, selecting for high phenolic varieties is likely to induce many other side changes altering agronomic performance. doi: 10.1006/anbo.1997.0563, Louarn, J., Carbonne, F., Delavault, P., Becard, G., and Rochange, S. (2012). Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to the new Broomrape Race 47, 161166. A. C. (1996). Barghouthi, S., and Salman, M. (2010). 112, 297308. (2009). Molecular responses of Lotus japonicus to parasitism by the compatible species Orobanche aegyptiaca and the incompatible species Striga hermonthica. These efforts were so successful that no industry dollars have gone to this problem since then, until now.. These methods can be classified as cultural and physical, chemical, biological control, and use of host resistance (Rubiales et al., 2009b). Ilustration of broomrape life stages and mechanisms of control. Marker-assisted and physiology-based breeding for resistance to root parasitic Orobanchaceae, in Parasitic Orobanchaceae, eds D. M. Joel, J. Gressel, and L. J. Musselman (Heidelberg: Springer Berlin), 369391. (1991). 19, 211236. Root system in mature broomrape plants is reduced to short adventitious parasitic roots with functions of anchorage and stabilization in the soil and their leaves are reduced to small achlorophyllous scales (Parker and Riches, 1993). doi: 10.2135/cropsci2004.2221. Soil solarization, a non-chemical technique for controlling Orobanche crenata and improving yield of faba bean. Although these industry efforts are important, the most effective means to control the spread of this pest is active concern for the presence of this weed in processing tomato fields, Bagley said. Ann. Were trying to get a relatively low rate of material into the crop, high enough to kill the parasitic weed but low enough to not damage the crop, Hanson said. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Phytomyza orobanchia is reported to be broomrape-specific and its main action as biocontrol agent is by reduction of broomrape reproductive activity due to their feeding activity on ovules and young seeds. Weed Res. update on breeding for resistance to sunflower broomrape / actualizacin de la situacin de la mejora gentica de girasol para resistencia al jopo June 2014 Helia 33(52):1-12 53, 107117. and Phelipanche spp.). Plant Growth Regul. Chemical signalling between plants: mechanistic similarities between phytotoxic allelopathy and host recognition by parasitic plants, in Chemical Ecology: From Gene to Ecosystem, eds M. Dicke and W. Takken (Dordrecht: Springer), 5569. A., and Stewart, G. R. (1978). doi: 10.1093/jxb/erv119, Lechat, M. M., Pouvreau, J. Evol. Especially common in tomatoes, hemp broomrape can parasitize a variety of vegetable crops, and its tiny seeds are usually spread by contaminated soil or crop seeds. Prez-Vich, B., Velasco, L., Rich, P. J., and Ejeta, G. (2013). Plant Growth Regul. Based on those conditions, methionine has the potential to be used as broomrape herbicide but it needs to be confirmed and its application adjusted to real field conditions. This parasitic weed, unable to produce its own chlorophyll, survives only by attaching to the roots of a host plant, often with severe consequences. Still, as the parasite is synchronized on the crop development this means in some cases that the change disfavoring the parasite could also limit the maximum potential yield for the crop. J. Exp. Phainopepla - the mistletoe bird. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Solar heating (solarization) control of soilborne pests. (1999). Bot. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2009.06.009, Fernndez-Aparicio, M., Flores, F., and Rubiales, D. (2009b). Broomrape Eradication is High Priority for UC Researchers, Branched broomrape is so destructive in tomatoes that if it is detected in a growers field, quarantine regulations require that the crop be destroyed and the field be disked under, and common sense dictates that a grower rotate out of host crops for many years, said, The host range of broomrape, in addition to tomato, covers a number of economically important rotational crops in the Central Valley: safflower, sunflower, carrot, bell pepper, several, Hanson and fellow researchers UC Davis assistant professor, Vergara presents findings on farmer-to-farmer education in Panama, Melotto named AAAS fellow for work in plant defenses against bacteria, Yasay accident report released by Davis Police, Poudel wins AAUW International Fellowship, Our leadership-Plant Sciences Executive Committee, Guidelines for Departmental GSR Annual Progress Report and Final Report, Plant Sciences Graduate Student Travel Award, Plant Sciences Teaching Assistantship (TA) Application (temporary link). Fusarium nygamai a potential bioherbicide for Striga hermonthica control in sorghum. According with pot experiments carried out in the tomato-P. aegyptiaca system, deep-plowing bringing the seeds to depth 12 cm will strongly reduce broomrape infection severity in terms of number of parasites, total parasitic biomass, delayed broomrape emergence and prevention of flower initiation and seed set (Eizenberg et al., 2007). doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3180.2007.00548.x. doi: 10.1614/WS-07-049.1, Liu, Q., Zhang, Y., Matusova, R., Charnikhova, T., Amini, M., Jamil, M., et al. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ern316. However, in other broomrape-crop associations the damage induced by broomrape extends beyond assimilate diversion. doi: 10.1016/j.cropro.2007.09.009, Fernndez-Aparicio, M., Prez-de-Luque, A., Prats, E., and Rubiales, D. (2008c). Chae, S. H., Yoneyama, K., Takeuchi, Y., and Joel, D. M. (2004). Available at:, Acharya, B. D., Khattri, B. G., Chettri, M. K., and Srivastava, X. Ecosyst. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msu343, Yoder, J. I., and Scholes, J. D. (2010). A Parasitic Lifestyle: Beechdrops and Their Relatives 133, 637642. They are attempting to learn if a timely application of an herbicide at a rate high enough to stunt the broomrape, but low enough to spare the tomatoes, can be an effective strategy to minimize crop losses. Bot. It cost around $6,000 an acre.. Induced disease resistance mediated by endogenous salicylic acid (SA) also described as systemic acquired resistance (SAR) induces hypersensitive responses in many plant species against fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. Ehleringer, J. R., and Marshall, J. D. (1995). 112 297308. Mediterr. Plant. Lpez-Granados, F., and Garca-Torres, L. (1999). Glutamine synthetase isozymes of Striga hermonthica and other angiosperm root parasites. Biotic inducers of systemic resistance have also proved being successful against broomrape parasitism under experimental conditions. There have been some known cases in the Sacramento Valley, but I think its more than reported, Hanson said. doi: 10.1016/S0065-2296(08)60328-6, Lieberman, M. (1979). Broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) Figure 1. PrCYP707A1, an ABA catabolic gene, is a key component of Phelipanche ramosa seed germination in response to the strigolactone analogue GR24. doi: 10.1560/ETEL-C34X-Y6MG-YT0M, Veronesi, C., Bonnin, E., Calvez, S., Thalouarn, P., and Simier, P. (2007). The haustorium and the life cycles of parasitic Orobanchaceae, in Parasitic Orobanchaceae, eds D. M. Joel, J. Gressel, and L. J. Musselman (Heidelberg: Springer Berlin), 2123. Mmoire sur la Germination des Orobanches, Vol. Another strategy to induce suicidal germination of broomrape seed bank could be the use of gibberellin agonists. Available at:, Van Delft, G. J., Graves, J. D., Fitter, A. H., and Van Ast, A. The majority of broomrape species are botanical wonders parasitizing wild host plants in natural ecosystems. A swelling of the host root at the penetration point is also observed due the parasitic stimulation of host tissue proliferation; (G) tubercle develops a crown of adventicious roots; (H) tubercle differentiates apical shoot meristem (single shoot meristem for Orobanche species and several shoot meristems for Phelipanche species); (I) the underground shoot eventually emerges through the root surface; (J) flowering and pollination occur. american fidelity accident insurance. 51, 152156. It is a prolific seed producer. Phytochemistry 32, 13991402. doi: 10.1002/ps.567, Aybeke, M., en, B., and kten, S. (2015). broomrape and bursage relationship - PMC doi: 10.1038/nature07272, USEPA (2004). Abu-Irmaileh, B. E. (1994). (1976) by using the synthetic strigolactone analog GR7. Recognition of root exudates by seeds of broomrape (Orobanche and Phelipanche) species. 47, 27. Plant Physiol. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2011.09.003, Fernndez-Aparicio, M., Moral, A., Kharrat, M., and Rubiales, D. (2012b). 53, 1927. Weed Sci. See this image and copyright information in PMC. The significance of this structure in broomrape parasitism requires further investigation. 79, 463472. 7:135. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00135. Nitrate reductase is not detectable (Lee and Stewart, 1978) and activity of glutamine synthetase is very low (McNally et al., 1983). J. Bot. Plant Sci. 70, 183212. Successful broomrape control should target the underground broomrapes at their earlier life stages, prior attachment or as soon as it attach to the host, because of their highest vulnerability at those stages and the avoidance of yield loss in the current crop. Nat. Eur. Germination ecophysiology, in Parasitic Orobanchaceae, eds D. M. Joel, J. Gressel, and L. J. Musselman (Heidelberg: Springer Berlin), 195219. (2007). 37, 3751. It produces a large number of tiny seeds and many of them are long-lived.. MeSH doi: 10.1093/jxb/50.331.211, Kebreab, E., and Murdoch, A. J. Preconditioning and germination of Orobanche seeds: respiration and protein synthesis. Most species are primarily subterranean and appear aboveground only to reproduce. Aber, M., Fer, A., and Salle, G. (1983). doi: 10.1016/S0031-9422(00)90779-9, Bar-Nun, N., and Mayer, A. M. (2002). Bot. (2000). Manage. 113, 321327. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3180.2009.00742.x, Rubiales, D., Fernandez-Aparicio, M., and Rodriguez, M. J. B., Thoiron, S., Leduc, N., et al. Res. Broomrape high fecundity, with thousands of seeds released per broomrape plant (Figures 2A,B), multiplies the chances of the next generation to encounter a host and achieve successful parasitism (Parker and Riches, 1993). Multiple flushes (cohorts) of emergence could be found within a single season . Soil herbigation (saturating the soil with herbicides such as sulfonylureas) effectively controls preattached stages of broomrapes (Hershenhorn et al., 2009) but is hardly compatible with other agricultural cropping practices as detrimental for many crop seedlings for several weeks or months. (2013). The release of phytochemicals by the roots of the allelopathic component in the intercrop inhibits the broomrape germination and/or radicle elongation toward the host component. Although analytical chemistry methods have failed to detect strigolactones in parasitic plants (Liu et al., 2014), transcriptome sequencing reveals that all known strigolactone genes, both synthesis and perception are present in broomrapes with apparently full-length proteins (Pron et al., 2012; Das et al., 2015). Broomrape species display high diversity with regard to their host range. Mohamed, K. I., Papes, M., Williams, R., Benz, B. W., and Peterson, A. T. (2006). Biol. Should you discover broomrape in a field, please contact the grower immediately, who should in turn contact the respective county agricultural commissioner. July 3, 2022 orange county soccer club ny manhattan beach apartments. Pest Manag. Biol. - A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on - id: 7fc2e8-Mjc3Z A., and Rubiales, D. (2010a). Revisiting strategies for reducing the seedbank of Orobanche and Phelipanche spp. Control 28, 110. Sudan J. Agric. In other pathosystems, amino acids such as D-L--amino-n-butyric acid or L-methionine induce resistance in crop plants against pathogen attack. Received: 07 October 2015; Accepted: 12 January 2016;Published: 19 February 2016. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Epifagus means "upon beech," derived from "epi," upon, and "fagus," the genus of beech; virginiana refers to "Virginia.". Transgenic crops against parasites. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcm032, Ben-Hod, G., Losner-Goshen, D., Joel, D. M., and Mayer, A. M. (1993). Pest Manag. A., and Sauerborn, J. Resistance that occurs in the central cylinder is related with accumulation of phenolic compounds in the surrounding tissues and nearby xylem vessels inducing a toxic release near the parasite impeding vascular connection (Prez-de-Luque et al., 2009). Sci. Likewise, rapum is the partially . In some crops, the biomass loss equals to that accumulated by the parasite indicating that damage in the crop is directly attributed to the parasitic sink activity (Barker et al., 1996; Manschadi et al., 1996; Hibberd et al., 1998). Orobanche species in Sudan: history, distribution and management. Barry M. Goldwater Range (BMGR), West Cultural Affiliation Study. In the fields I am aware of, the crop was destroyed, the field disked under and methyl bromide applied. The differentiation of xylem elements in the parasite are under the control of polar auxin transport (Harb et al., 2004; Bar-Nun et al., 2008). 50, 69556958. Weed Sci. The Problem of Orobanche spp. The terminal haustorium develops at the apex of the seedling radicle upon host recognition (Musselman, 1980; Joel and Losner-Goshen, 1994). For instance, root exudates of field pea induces high germination of the very destructive broomrape species O. crenata, O. foetida, O. minor, and P. aegyptiaca, however, it only becomes infected by O. crenata therefore pea may theoretically be a good trap crop against O. foetida, O. minor, and P. aegyptiaca but not for O. crenata infested field (Fernndez-Aparicio and Rubiales, 2012). Biocontrol Sci. (2002). Plant Microbe Interact. 69, 463472. Egyptian broomrape (Phelipanche aegyptiaca) response to silicon nutrition in tomato (Solanum . For each broomrape-crop association, broomrape germination potential is defined by the combination of both, the stimulatory capability of crop root exudates and the sensitivity of parasitic receptors to recognize specific forms of germination-inducing factors (Fernndez-Aparicio et al., 2008a, 2009b, 2011). Gworgwor, N. A., and Weber, H. C. (1991). Technol. and other fungi as biological control agents of broomrape (Orobanche ramosa). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). (2012). Hemp broomrape (Orobanche ramosa), also known as branched broomrape, is a noxious pest around the world and can cause significant losses if crops are heavily infested. doi: 10.1016/j.cropro.2003.09.013, Labrousse, P., Arnaud, M. C., Seryes, H., Berville, A., and Thalouarn, P. (2001). Therefore an integrated and sustained management strategy composed by several control methods acting at different broomrape life stages is highly recommended to keep away the broomrape weed problem in a durable manner (Kebreab and Murdoch, 2001). broomrape and bursage relationship - (2007). They are quite noticeable in the desert, as males like to perch at the very top of mesquite trees (like the one above). Acquisition of water is driven by a lower water potential in broomrape tissues (Ehleringer and Marshall, 1995). Plant Physiol. Using biotechnological approaches to develop crop resistance to root parasitic weeds. Although hard seed coat has been described as dormancy mechanism in newly formed broomrape seeds (Lpez-Granados and Garca-Torres, 1996), water uptake and imbibition are performed quickly by mature seeds through the micropyle without the need of scarification (Bar-Nun and Mayer, 1993; Joel et al., 2012). The development of the solutions has usually not been conducted to their end so that many potential ways of controlling broomrape are not on the market.